Monday, April 24, 2006

Cool Weekend

Other than the fact that the Cubbies only took 1 of 3 from the Cardinals this weekend, it was a pretty cool weekend. This really cool person named JoAnn from Truman came up to help me wish a Happy 22nd Birthday. Boy and he thought that him and I were just going to watch the Cubs and Cards play. Muhaha! It was a fun time watching the game, talking, playing Fluxx and then watching Madagascar (gotta love those penguins).

Sunday Tom and I ended up going out golfing... or at least that's what we called it. More seasoned golfers probably called it comical! Oh well for the most part we got the balls into the cup eventually.

The really cool part is that next weekend is shaping up to be really fun too. I'm headed up to Truman (possibly with ) to hang out with JoAnn, and others. I'm also going up to attend the Omicron Delta Kappa dedication of a garden in honor of former Truman President Magruder.

Well I'd better wrap this up and get back to work. :-)

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